Supporting emerging talent to entry level employment, training, and work experience roles within the creative industries with key cultural partners.

Future Film Focus is a strand of E17 Films CIC. Our objectives are to promote emerging talent from our borough through our annual film festival and boost employment in the creative industries through film education and community engagement.
We launched our first Future Film Focus event in 2018 during Waltham Forest’s Borough of Culture and with funding from LBWF. The 2019 quickly followed at Leytonstone School as part of the first Leytonstone Loves Film event, curated by the Barbican. The event aims to run annually with a commitment to promoting careers in the creative industries.


Future Film Focus in the Media

‘Future Film Focus: Creating Opportunities for Young Creatives in East London’
Waltham Forest College, 2023

‘Future Film Focus: Digital Skills 2023: Creating Opportunities for Young Creatives in East London’
FE News, 2023